As you can see from the pics, the closed p&l are different between night and day. Which one is the correct value??
I just did a test, after recompute, the dividend of the closed position changed. so which one is the accurate one?
Yes, there is currently a known issue with duplicate closed positions. I am still trying to find the cause of it.
However, the values after you perform the recompute that is correct.
ps: Before recompute, if you go see the closed positions tab, you will see some duplicated records. I will spend this weekend to find and hopefully resolve this issue. Thanks for reporting.
I spent some time but still could not replicate the issue. Can you help me with it? The next time you see this issue.
Do not do anything (i.e. do not update or anything).
Simply use @evankoh and reply/report it to me. I will look at it immediately so that I can try to trace it down.
hi Evan, past few days didnt encounter the issue. will monitor @evankoh