Mass changed of SGD:USD rate for all USD related transactions in a portfolio?


is there a quick way for me to change the FX rate of all or selected transactions at 1 go instead of manually editing individual?

i think it is pretty hard to record individual fx rate as i changed the currency on adhoc basis and use them when needed. so it seems easier for me to look the the USD basket as a whole and i just calculate the total amt of SGD used vs the USD i got to get a generic avg rate to be apply for all my USD related transactions.

is there a quick way for me to change the FX rate of all or selected transactions at 1 go instead of manually editing individual?

It is not possible now. Would you like to raise a ticket for that?

Yup. Agree that it is tough to be tracking the FC rate closely. For me, I simply use the default FX rate

i raised it as #1951

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