Tickers not found

These are now available!

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cannot find ticker for XL

It is now available!

Cannot find GOEV ticker

Sure. Let me email upstream.

Added! → Canoo Inc Recent Share Price (USX:GOEV) - StocksCafe

Hi, if my portfolio consists of SPACs like FEAC and IPOB, the system does not automatically change the ticker names for me. FEAC should now be SKLZ and IPOB should now be OPEN.


Yes, ticker change and stock split are still manual at this point. For ticker change, one easy way is to use stock split function with 1:1 split -> https://stocks.cafe/personal/portfolio/transactions/tosplit?label_id=-1


TPG PACE (PACE), CTAC not found

Let me email upstream.


PACE and CTAC are updated.


NGAB ticker not found

Hi, WOOF is not found

I cannot find this in yahoo finance as well though → Symbol Lookup from Yahoo Finance

Emailed upstream about it. Thanks!

I think it should be NGAB.U

Also missing is FPAC

I think it should be NGAB.U

Do not think is NGAB.U => Symbol Lookup from Yahoo Finance

Also missing is FPAC

Thanks. Emailed upstream about it.

Updated → Far Peak Acquisition Corp Recent Share Price (USX:FPAC) - StocksCafe

Hi! ESPO for LSE not found, can only find the USX one. :slight_smile:

Thank you for reporting. Emailed upstream about it.
Will update again.

Udpated => https://stocks.cafe/stock/summary/ESPO/vaneck+esports?exchange=XLON