Add new transaction: Crypto Fees


How do you add the fees for crypto when the fees are the crypto itself?

Hmm… I suppose you mean the cost of it is not in fiat currency but in crypto?

If so, sorry, we do not support fees being in non-fiat currency.

However, a work around would be.

  1. Enter the fee in USD (equivalent to the fees of crypto in USD) to account for the fees
  2. Create another transaction to “sell away” the crypto amount (i.e. fees) that would pay for the fees in USD.

E.g. say the fees is in bitcoin and fees is 0.0001 BTC and 0.0001 BTC is say worth USD 10 then.

  1. In the original transaction, you would enter the fees as USD 10.
  2. Then create another sell transaction of 0.0001 BTC for USD 10.
    This should work.


Yes correct. The fee is not in fiat but in crypto.
So that means:

  1. 1st transaction (buy) is to add the equivalent of a crypto fee in USD.
  2. 2nd transaction (sell) is to see the “crypto fee”, but the fee in the sell is 0 USD.

Is that right?


I assume “see” is typo and you wanted to type “sell”.

2nd transaction (sell) is to sell the “crypto fee”, but the fee in the sell is 0 USD. that’s what i meant.

Yes, then it is correct.