Add "other assets" to portfolio?


I was wondering if there could be an option to add “other assets” to portfolio? Alternatively, is it possible to have a net worth chart? I’d like to be able to see all my assets (not just stock holdings) as part of my portfolio just so I know the allocations of my portfolio by percentage. For example, if I were to enter my CPF special account as other assets, I’d like to know at a glance what percentage of my entire net worth it constitutes.

Was wondering if this is possible, maybe as an optional button? Thanks

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Sounds like this to me =>


Hi Evan,

I agree with adrielthin’s suggestion.
The ability to add “Other Assets” to Portfolio(s) will allow users who treat their CPF balances as “bonds” to track their stocks-bonds allocation as well as overall XIRR.

I wonder if implementation is feasible?

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Adding Other Assets into Portfolio have some complications because StocksCafe will not have the “daily price” of Other Assets to compute many of the metrics currently considered in Portfolio and related pages.

The alternative is merging Other Assets with Portfolio and is kinda done through Dashboard. Of course, we can and maybe should add more metrics to Dashboard or related pages to make it more dynamic.
