Apr 15 KLSE stock prices not updated

Morning Evan, I’d like to check if your upstream provided stock price data for Bursa Malaysia for Apr 15th, 2024? Reason being, I notice the prices are not updated.

Refer to the snapshot below, for an example.



Hi JM,

Thanks for reporting. I am working on it now. Should have an update today or tomorrow.


Hi there,

I switched to new provider. Can you check if it is looking fine for you?


Hi Evan,

Sorry for the delayed reply.

I notice the prices of KLSE stocks are not all updated at the same time. For example, the first stock is updated as of Apr 17, while the latter is as of Apr 18.

I will check tmr morning to see if there is still a mis-alignment.

Separately, the new upstream provider may not be providing warrant prices anymore. For example, this warrant (Message - StocksCafe) was previously supported. But does not seem to be found anymore.



Sorry Evan, to update the first stock now has Apr 18 prices. The latest price must’ve just been ingested.

That said, the second issue - where 3565WF is not supported anymore - still persists.



Hmmm… This means that some are updated later. what I can do is check it after updating and re-run if needed.

Ya. For this, I need to check again.

ps: Sorry, when changing to new provider also would have some rough spots at the start.

That’s understandable. I don’t mind helping with the UAT.



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