Hi Evan!
I’m trying to move all my spreadsheets to Stocks Cafe now but I can’t figure out how to track some of my assets here. Below are few examples:
Cash accounts: Syfe Cash / Singlife / Money market funds
What is it?
Ultra low-risk saving accounts.
How does it work?
I can deposit and withdraw money from those accounts at any time. I receive interest on my balance ~daily. The yield is variable and can change daily/monthly/…
Robo-advisers: StashAway / Syfe
What is it?
Platforms that allow to have a diversified portfolio without hassle.
How does it work?
I can deposit and withdraw money from those accounts at any time. The platform invests my deposits into ETFs, collects dividends and any kind of rebates. They charge me flat fee on my balance. I don’t control when and how many underlying units are bought.
Crypto: Native staking / Lending / Providing liquidity
What is it?
Centralized or decentralized (smart-contracts) ways to earn an additional yield on crypto-currencies I hold.
How does it work?
I deposit one or more crypto-currencies into the platform. I receive interest in the same or different crypto-currency with some interval (hourly/daily/monthly).
How do I track all of them right now in spreadsheet?
I have a list of deposits & withdrawals that help me calculate the cost.
I also have a list of “current value” updated manually (normally once per month). The latest value is used to calculate P&L and previous values help to understand dynamics.
In case of cryptocurrencies I usually simplify it by converting everything into a single currency (usd/sgd/btc/eth) so it essentially becomes a cash deposit with variable rate.
How did I try to record it on stocks cafe?
Create “Other Asset”, each deposit “buy” units with the price 1 dollar.
But there is no way to just update the balance or add a fixed amount of earned interest.
On the “Payment” tab it expects me to enter amount per unit which can’t be easily calculated (or am I missing something?).
On the “Recent values” tab it expects me to enter the value per unit. Here I can calculate it somewhat simple as “current balance / cost” (and enter value like 1.18024 or 0.93252) for accounts denominated in USD/SGD. Though it feels wrong. It also doesn’t work for accounts denominated in BTC/ETH.
Do you have any suggestions on how to track such accounts? Or is it impossible and I should use stocks cafe only for stocks?