CSE Global - Choice of scrip dividend or dividend payout

Hi @evankoh

I just noticed that CSE Global has issued announcements about a scrip dividend scheme instead of paying out the dividend on 20 May 2024 as previously announced.

Since the dividend payout did not happen on 20 May 2024, would you be able to assist to reflect the new scenario instead? Thanks.

Hi there,

This is the recommended way to handle scrip dividend → How to Handle Scrip Dividends - StocksCafe Academy

Let me know if you have more questions.


Thanks Evan. Noted on the way to handle scrip dividend and will apply it if I choose to make that choice.

But I’m talking about the date of dividend payout which is now 26 June instead of 20 May. Currently, in the system it is showing that dividend has already been paid which is incorrect. I have tried to submit an amendment for your approval, perhaps you can take a look at it?

Oh… Sorry, I did not know that.

Thanks. Updated → CSE Global Dividend Details (SGX:544) - StocksCafe

Thanks very much.

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