Hi Evan, in the clsoed postion, most of the transaction is repeating. pls help to resolve.
Hi Evan, in the clsoed postion, most of the transaction is repeating. pls help to resolve.
Hi there,
Can you give me a link or screenshot?
Ah… Sorry for the issue.
Thanks for the screenshot. I refreshed your portfolio and it is fine now. Please verify. Thanks.
all is fine now. Thanks !!
Hi there,
Thanks for reporting. I just checked. It should be resolved now.
Yes, thanks
Hi Evan,
The error/bug reapper again today morning
Hi there,
Did you take any action before that? or last night?
I fixed it for now but I wonder what is making it appearing. Need to find the source.
My problem also recurr, i noticed both time it happened at 7~8pm, probably when the system doing the closing updates, you may want to check on the process.
I just checked. It seems to disappear again. Hmmm… I will try to check faster once you report the next time.
Also, I did take a look at possible cause around 7-8pm but could not repeat it.
I will continue to monitor this.
@evankoh Hi Evan, the duplicate closing entries is happening again now, do check.
Thanks. Let me look at it now.
mine still have the problem of duplicate.
Thanks. I am investigating it. I kept looking at the code but could not really zero in to what is causing it to keep appearing.
I know what to do to make it disappear (i.e. by refreshing portfolio or clicking ‘Recompute Portfolio’ at the bottom left of portfolio page) but I cannot understand why it keeps coming back
@evankoh The closing price is duplicating again, pls check, thanks
Okay. Done. I also made another change that should improve things.
@evankoh Not resolved, I still have that problem
Ah… Sorry, my bad. I did not fully deploy the new solution.
I just fully deployed it. Can you check again? Thanks!