Delisted counters

Not sure if covered before.
How to remove counters that have been delisted?
I initiated a “sell” manually at the delisted price but it’s still stays in the portfolio with a red highlight ?

That should not be the case. Can you check that the buy and sell portfolio is the same? If yes, can you tell me the stock symbol? I will check it.

Yes same.
It’s global logistics properties. MC0

I think I found the error. There was a repeat buy transaction.
Resolved. Thanks evan

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If you have delisted stocks or other hard to sell assets that you just want to sell to clean out an account/crystallize a tax loss, Alternative Liquidity Capital can probably buy them:

The exact mechanics of transfering delisted stock are vary widely on a case by case basis. Usually you need to work with the transfer agent/share registry. There can be additional complications depending with different brokers. also handles delisted stocks, although they charge a hefty fee I think.