Download Transactions for Options

Hi @evankoh

The weekly download of portfolio does not seem to include options. Can options be included? Is there any way to download options transactions manually?

Thank you.

Hi there,

Yes, you can adjust/include it using this page → Message - StocksCafe


Hi Evan

I just noticed that the weekly regular export hasn’t been triggered since August 2024. I haven’t made any changes to the preferences since July 2024.

I reviewed the settings in the preferences section but couldn’t find any issues. Could you please advise if any updates to the settings are needed for the weekly exports to trigger automatically?

Thank you and regards.

Meng How

Hi Meng How,

I checked. From my logs, it is saying that we have successfully sent you the email. However, I noted that you are using Microsoft emails (i.e.

Somehow, Microsoft do not really like StocksCafe. It is likely that the emails are in your spam or Microsoft have blocked it. Do you have any gmail accounts? Google like StocksCafe better.
