Handling interactive broker forex exchange in stockscafe

Hi Evan,

Currently, I input separately 3 times under fees and 2 cash transactions where I use withdraw and deposit.

Was wondering if there is a better way to do the above?


Hi Kendo,

2 cash transactions where I use withdraw and deposit.

Definitely, can do better here. Should be able to make it into one transaction. Actually, I also been facing this issue :slight_smile:

Will do this soon.


Just throwing ideas,

Would it be possible to combine all 3 into a single transaction?

perhaps something where I can input the withdrawal amt, deposit amt, and the fee (to be included into portfolio costs)…not sure if it could be easier to integrate under portfolio transaction or cash transactions


Hmm… Let me think more about it.

Hi Evan,

Is there a way to record IBKR forex transaction eg. USD to HKD cash conversion and fees now?

Hi TB,

It depends on what you mean. Did you mean during transaction? Or you just change and keep first?


Hi Evan,

Yes. Forex conversion keeping cash available in another currency. Eg USD to HKD.
Is there a way to enter the available cash conversion via one entry rather than withdraw + deposit cash and another entry for forex fees.

Hi TB,

I did try to do this but it is really complex. There are too many scenario to consider and hence I did not get around doing it.


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Hi Evan,

Would it be easy to combine these 2 cash transactions into 1 transaction? That would reduce the total number of actions from 3 to 2. I can’t find the feature request link.

Thanks Evan.

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Hi IBKR Users,

Pls vote on combining 2 cash transactions (withdrawal and deposit) into 1 for currency conversion if you think it will help you! Thanks!

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