Many HK counters are not available

I found my HK portfolio value drops more than half. Later I found many stocks closed price is not available. For example CNOOC, Sinopec.
These are marked as inactive Stocks. :slight_smile:
Later I found I can’t found these stocks by searching.
What’s going on with HK market data.
Evan fix this Asap. Recently we have lots of issues with HK data.
Stockscafe is not free anymore. We are paying members.
Please improve.


I have a similar problem. China Mobile ticker symbol (HKX:0941) is being reported as not being found. For your investigation please. The other HKEX symbols seem to be ok for me.

+1, same here

Hi all,

Yes, I am running a fix. Should be done in the next one hour. Please try again in one hour.

Sorry for the issue :frowning:


Thank you!

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Hi Evan, Yes. Its fixed now. Thank you.

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