Market Holidays Not Properly Handled for HKEX, SGX, SP500 etc

This is a gap in the computations and it screws up for 2-3 days. Whenever there is a market holiday e.g mid-autmn festival, thanksgiving, the data does not realise it AND uses the previous values.

This throws the portfolio computations out for 2-3 days until the market days normalise.

Is there a way to detect a market holiday and then zero out the data for the day so that the other markets can compute properly ?

Hi there,

Actually, we do know of market holidays and we chose to use previous values.

However, I see your viewpoint of making the change to be 0 on market holidays. Basically, you are saying that since the market is close that day, it should not be considered.

I think the two key places for this is Current Portfolio page and Daily Market Update Email.

I think the key challenge is to clearly state to user that market is closed on that day hence the change is 0 and not because the change is just nice 0.

Evan, you got my point exactly.

If the change can be zeroed out on non market days, then the computations will be correct everyday based on last market day.

Hope u can consider to implement.

Sure. Truth be told. It also irritates me sometimes :slight_smile:

To me, it is more about being able to present that clearly to users than technical difficulties of doing so.

Anyway, will queue it up.

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