Moving / Transfer stock between portofolio

Hi Evan ,

I have stock A in 2 portofolios / brokers.
I’m going to transfer (consolidate) stock A from broker Y to broker Z.

Assuming i’m fine with the previous dividend tracked in portofolio Y , and capital gain/loss to be tracked in portofolio Z.

Brainstorming any better way to reflect such action in stockcafe than below steps ?
(1) in portofolio Y , sell stock A with price = average price (mean no capital gain , only dividend)
(2) in portofolio Z , buy stock A with price = average price in portofolio Y (which will average up/down stock A price in portofolio Z - this is fine)


If this is what you want to achieve then the 2 steps you mentioned is good.

However, say you want to just track everything including previous dividend in Portfolio Z, then you can simply change all the portfolio labels for all transactions related to stock A.
