Not receiving daily update emails

Hi, I have not been receiving the daily update emails for a while. Would somebody be able to help me with this?

Hi, maybe this can help?

Sorry it still doesn’t work. I’ve tried all… And it’s not in my junk mail either.

Is there a way to change the email address?

Hi there,

Apologies for the issue. I just checked my server logs. It seems like it is saying that it have successfully sent the Market Update (at least for yesterday). So, I would guess that it is likely blocked your side (i.e. your email provider) for whatever reasons.

  1. Anyway, you can change/add emails here →
    I recommend Gmail because they seems most friendly to StocksCafe.

  2. I also recommend putting into your email whitelist


No worries. I’ve set up my gmail as my secondary email. Is the email sent to both primary and secondary emails or do I have to change some setting?

It should send to both emails by default. Let me know if you do not get it on your gmail tonight.

@evankoh hi Evan, I seem to be running into the same problem also.

I stopped getting daily email market updates after 28th Jan (after I signed up from trial to annual global friend). Am I doing something wrong? I
(I’m using Gmail).

Kindly advise if there’s anything I can do? Thanks!

Hi Olivia,

Sorry, there was an issue yesterday with the email sending. You should have received the daily email for US this morning, right?


yes, I received an update today, thanks!

I initially ticked SGX market close + USX market close (I thought that was the problem?)

Nevertheless, I did get an update today. Thanks!

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