I notice that the 2023 dividend total amount has been steadily decreasing despite the fact that having been set in the past and therefore final.
Anything that could explain that?
I notice that the 2023 dividend total amount has been steadily decreasing despite the fact that having been set in the past and therefore final.
Anything that could explain that?
That should not be the case. Hmm…
Can you give me more details?
Not really just that the 2023 total dividend number is very slowly going down. Not a huge number but maybe around 4% of initial value down.
Maybe related to the correction on some dividend with rounding issues since this correction also impact past dividends.
I took a snapshot anyway and let’s see if it moves again.
Yesterday va today - after 2022 slight changes - but not rounding issue correction done yesterday as far as I know
Found example of a 2023 dividend gone missing - had the same discussion back in June so maybe related.
October 2023 dividend gone…
Likely due to this.
Just checked. Ya. It was gone. Added it back.
Will more systematically check it this weekend.
Actually it is also gone from the Nasdaq website where I think you get some of those dividends. So issue on the original data side!
PDI is unfortunately not the only one that’s gone a dividend missing.
Okay. I fixed many of them. Please check and let me know if you still see any with missing.
Yup numbers went up.
Will monitor if past total change but difficult to spot which stocks are affected.
Sure. I have systematically compared and fixed all that we updated recently. So, should be okay I believe.