Portfolio performance does not include all stocks

—Issue resolved—

Hi Evan

I’m new to this platform. I created a SGX portfolio with 3 stocks (UOB, Propnex, HRNet) and currently still holding it.
I’m trying to see YTD performance but however, it only calculate for 1 stocks (UOB) instead of all 3 stocks.
Please assist, thank you.

Update on 2023-12-31:
Performance page has been updated with all stocks. Issue resolved.


Hi there,

Sometimes due to caching, it can take some time for changes to reflect.

Let me know if you find the caching to be too long and I can try to adjust it.

It is always a fine balance :slight_smile:


I am facing this issue now, please assist, thank you!

Is it still an issue? If yes, can you tell me more? If it contains private information, please PM me instead. Thanks!