Hi @evankoh,
For the following share consolidation
Does user need to handle independently or there is a system event created?
Hi @evankoh,
For the following share consolidation
Does user need to handle independently or there is a system event created?
Can you tell me more about it? I see that it is a 20 to 1 reverse split?
Usually, for SGX, the ticker changes following a reverse split right? What did it change to? S51 to?
Hi @evankoh,
The information on SGX website is 5E2 for the ticker change.
Link as followed
Seatrium Ltd – Investor Portal (CDP Internet) – Singapore Exchange (SGX)
At the company website, it also indicated 5E2.
Seatrium - Investor Relations: Stock Information
I see. In this case, I will create the following event.
Does it sounds good to you?
Hi @evankoh
As fractional share will be disregard in the share consolidation. The buy condition will have to take care of this.
No of new share = Rounddown(existing no of share/20).
I just checked the code, it will basically follow the original shares format. That is, if the original shares has fractional shares then it will allow fractional shares else it will round down.
if (AfcNumber.isInteger(shares)) {
// If integer, round down
newShares = Math.floor(shares * actions.get(1).getSharesMultiplier()); // Round down to nearest number
} else {
newShares = shares * actions.get(1).getSharesMultiplier();
HI evan, i have accepted the Seatrium event…but i notice it is not reflected in my current position portfolio although it was shown in the transaction tab…with a sell and buy order. Can you please advise?
Hi @evankoh,
I saw the action listed as “Fees” and “Buy” instead of “Sell” and “Buy”. Is this the correct action for the event?
Thanks Evan, the event worked automatically and even adjusted my cost price in accordance to the new quantity of shares after consolidation. Very convenient !
I fixed it. Can you try again?
@yvleecancan So, when you accepted it, it added a SELL and BUY transactions?
Yes, it did, one sell old Seatrium transaction and one buy new Seatrium transaction. New shares quantity and new shares cost price all accurate.
Hi @evankoh,
Yes, the Fee has been updated to Sell now. It looks good now.
Great. I guess it is only a display issue then
hi @evankoh, for some reason, my portfolio page still shows S51 but not 5E2 even after accepting the event.
Hi there,
I just checked your account. It is currently showing 5E2. Could be the processing queue got slight delayed.
Ok just saw it. Thanks @evankoh !
I also have an error when I accepted the event. There are no transactions after that.
Yes, I took a look. It is because the BUY price for your S51 shares are 0 hence it is unable to estimate the new BUY price. Do you prefer to keep the new BUY price to also be 0?
Yes if possible thanks
Okay. Done.