Shell dividend is grouped and multiplied 3x causing distortion in total dividend.
Done. Fixed. Thanks!
Many thanks Evan!
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Hi Evan,
Trust all is well - the Shell Dividend is getting duplciated again - once in June and once in September.
Hi there,
Thanks. I updated it.
Btw, I am looking at a new source of data for LSE dividends. Hopefully, such issues will reduce in the future.
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Hi Evan - the dreaded duplicate Shell Dividend Bug has come up again - would have been a good christmas gift if it were true:) please do fix. Many tx Arjun
Okay. Done. Updated. Thanks!
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Hi Evan good day. Can you have a look at the Shell Dividends … two issues: Q4 Dividend is duplicated and Q2 Dividend payable in September is reduced for some reason which should not be the case. Many thanks Arjun
Let me look into it. London stocks has been pretty not stable. Let me try to come up with a more comprehensive solution.