Stock code for S&P 500 LionGlobal Infinity U.S 500 Stock Index Fund

Could any help to provide the stock code for S&P 500 LionGlobal Infinity U.S 500 Stock Index Fund?

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Hi there,

StocksCafe only supports exchange traded stocks/ETFs. A google search seems to suggest the index fund you suggested is not exchange traded. Hence unfortunately, it is not supported by StocksCafe.


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Hi Evan,

What is exchange traded? Why away ETF is shown in StockCafe but not S&P 500 LionGlobal Infinity U.S 500 Stock Index Fund?

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Hi there,

Exchange traded means that it must be listed in one of the exchanges (that StocksCafe supports).

ETFs are listed and traded on exchanges hence StocksCafe have data on them and hence able to be shown in StocksCafe.

For non-exchange traded instruments like this fund, the best you can do is use the Other Assets feature to manually track it →


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