Stock info other than price for backtesting

Is there any API endpoints to get metrics that are used in the screener tool?

  • The purpose is for backtesting screeners that use these metrics.
  • E.g. Portfolio that buys US stocks with P/E > 5 every 3 months for last 2 years.

Request example

GET /stock.json?l=info&exchange=XSES&symbol=D05&api_user={{Your_Username}}&api_user_key={{Your_Api_Key}}&start_date=2018-01-01&end_date=2018-12-31


  "result": "Successful",
  "data": {
	"Total Assets": 10.1,
	"Total Cash": 1.1,
	"Total Debt": 2.2,
	"Total Equity": 3.3,
	"Total Liability": 4.4,
  "result_boolean": true,
  "latency_ms": 48,
  "timestamp": 1552128177