Using new SGX Stockfacts

Started using the new stockfacts, and I think it is cool.

What’s changed for better?
’ you can use more than 5 criteria to filter the stocks on sgx (previously 5 max)
’ there is a new field price / cf to be used for screening or for info
’ debt-equity calculations have now changed for banks where the customer deposits are recognized in liabilties, and therefore they now show high debt-equity whereas previously they were almost “debtless”
’ on individual stock listing profiles, its quite easy to view the financial data in balance sheet, p&l or cashflow.

What I am still noting or believe there is room for improvement
’ only 1 yr revenue growth available. Previously we had 3 yr and 5 yr revenue growth, but those fields always distorted or n.a. for stocks just listed.
’ price / cf is not loaded for all stocks, hopefully they would be in due time.
’ the financial data / summary for companies may needed to be viewed with care as they may be from different sources for different years and may not be accounted for on exactly same basis.
’ GTI score is available for more stocks now.

Current default screening method
’ net profitabilty > 6%
’ roe > 6%
’ dividend yield > 3.3%
’ debt-equity < 100%
’ market cap > 800 million
’ 1 yr revenue growth > -4%

Secondary exclusion criteria before in depth screening
’ GTI score less than 70