USX:GMTX - Gemini Therapeutics Inc

Hi Evan,

GMTX underwent a one-for-ten (1-10) reverse stock split with a new corporate name (Disc Medicine, Inc.) and new symbol (IRON). My current holding in GMTX seems to be showing an inaccurate price and P/L. May I request your help to check?


Hi there,

Thank you for reporting. I emailed upstream to check. Will update you again.


Hi there,

This shoulkd be fixed now. Please verify.


Sorry deleted my previous post as I just realised that there was an event decision for me to accept the reverse stock split, so all is ok now!

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Hi Evan,

Sorry, bringing this thread back up as I realised that in my portfolio, the old ticker for Gemini Therapeutics (GMTX) is still showing and showing as inactive, rather than it being updated for the new ticker (DISC). To recap, I had previously accepted the event decision for the reverse stock split.

Hi there,

I see. Reverse stock split event and the ticker change event are different.

Would you like to try to propose the ticker change event? → Community Proposed Events – StocksCafe Blog
